Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog#2: "In The Bigtime Now"

My first time in college was the most eye opening experience of my life to date. I came in fresh out of high school and thought there wasnt anything I couldnt do. Two weeks into it I realized how different it from high school.The courses were lot more demanding and the pressure to perform was alot more intense. By the time I realized I was in over my head it was too late to drop classes or withdraw without penalty.

The financial aspect of it was another thing I forgot to consider. I had no idea the financial stress it could cause if you werent financialy prepared to take on such a responsibility.I wasnt even sure how i was going to pay the loans back after college let alone while i was attending.That became a stress all its own.

Another mistake I made was taking the wrong major for the wrong reason and found myself disinterested and fustrated very early. I decided to stick with it for all the wrong reasons as well and paid for it with alot of lost time and a "stain" on my acedemic record.

I clearly wasnt ready,but that was then. I am a student at T.C.I. 10 years later and today i feel like I have the maturity and the mindset along with the fundamentals to get the job done. Im learning to manage my time better and make sure I make time to study (something i havent done since junior high!). I take time to go over what was taught that day on the day it was taught to reinforce the information I've learned.

Networking with classmates was something I didn't welcome in the past, but these days I find myself in the mix of plenty of lively discussions that all relate to our field of study,each classmate with a prospective I might not have thought of. Student discussions open the door for creativity to expand and reach higher peaks. Another thing I want to take advantage of is the workshops and networks that go on outside of the classroom. I realized that "school doesnt have to end just because class is over".


The difference was simple. Now, I prepare notes that are easy to read. I follow up on current information and I always make sure I have a clear understanding on what my instructors expect and demand of me as a student. I make time to get plenty of rest and research time along with study time. I try my best to get projects done in advance so I can go back and change things as I gather more information. My approach is totally different and hopefully it will become a pattern that I can incorporate in life. Still, it all starts with college.
"Welcome back to the real world!"

Note: Below is a website link for any college students who feel they may need advise on there first time in "Real World".



Julia Hutchinson said...
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Julia Hutchinson said...

Blog Post (Corrected) Score: 5

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