Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog#10: Is That Your Final Answer?

I WILL NOT FEAR THE TEST!..I have the courage to say that now, but a few years ago if you would have said anything remotely close to the word I would've ran for cover. Even back in high school everything was fun until the tests time. To me high school was like one big house party and tests where the police called in to stop the fun. It wasn't the exams I had a problem with, it was the studying and the time required that bothered so much. When I did choose to study I had a very simple method. I would make up mock questions  based on the information given, answer them and memorize them until my brain fried.

Another method I used was muscle memory. I would do push ups while reciting the questions and answers to myself. Strange technique but affective. (And I was in great shape after wards). Now that I'm in college my study habits have changed a bit. A lot less drastic then push ups but still just as effective. Another useful thing Ive learned is to go beyond the area of study. If a professor gives you a chapter to read, don't just read that chapter, go further and gather more information. It's always good to know more then just enough. Professors know if you've memorized an answer or if you've taken the necessary time to evaluate your own opinion and formulate your own thoughts behind the question. Another mistake I used to make was waiting until the last minute to study and then try to overload my brain with information. What would end up happening is I would get my answers mixed up. Too much info and not enough time to properly memorize. Ive learned not only give myself enough time to memorize the information but to store it for at least 48 hours before an exam. When the time comes not only will I be ready but I'll be confident about the answers I put down because Ive rehearsed it to myself several times over the last few days. While I'm testing I make sure to relax and give myself enough time between questions. I have to constantly remind myself that it isn't a race. I pace myself and after wards I make sure to go over any areas that might be suspect. Here are some tips I use that hopefully can help you.

1. Precision is the key. Make sure to be clear and precise on all your answers.

2. If you get confused about a certain answer, try process of elimination. If that doesn't work repeat the question to yourself several times and try to relate any information you may remember to that.

3. At some point if your feeling overwhelmed, take a break. The last thing you need is a burnout during the final stretch.

4. Leave enough time to go over some questions or answers that your not too sure of.

5. Be sure to get sufficient rest on test day!

This link provides effective study skill techniques. *Several other links included as well.*


Julia Hutchinson said...

Blog Score: 5

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